Posts in Wellness
Infertility is a BITCH

Infertility is a bitch. Like the biggest, baddest, bitch out there. Infertility and I are coming up on our two year anniversary this July and let me tell you - we have a difficult relationship. Remember when we all did relationship statuses on Facebook? Well, mine with infertility would most definitely be “It’s complicated”. And let me tell you… it’s been nothing short of *complicated*.

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It is a hard time right now… and if social distancing wasn’t a thing, I would be giving you all a much needed hug. Things feel uncertain, things feel scary, and things most definitely feel out of control. COVID-19 has truly came in like a wrecking ball (cue the visual of Miley) and the chaos it has created is something I honestly have never experienced before. There have been moments where I truly feel like the world is ending and then there are moments where I am grateful for things slowing down.

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Think of the last time you cried in public or with other people in the room… what did you do? If you’re like most, you probably said sorry as you wiped your tears from your face and shoved that emotion deep down back where it “belongs”… which is honestly the norm that I see nowadays. Whether it’s friends, family, clients, or even myself sometimes, I’ve noticed that the moment your eyes fill up with tears, the apologizing soon follows. 

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The title of this blog may be misleading, as it’s targeted to a person who has a loved one going through a hard time BUT the person writing this blog (AKA ME) is someone currently going through a hard time.. so no matter what side of the fence you are on, this blog is going to help you either A) comfort people you love or B) communicate how you want to be comforted.

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Spring Cleaning: Declutter Your Friend Group, Not Just Your Closet!


Which means for us, that it’s time to declutter…AKA my favorite thing to do. There is NOTHING better than decluttering and organizing, or shall we say out with the old, in with the new!!! A few days ago, I decided to go through my closet, like I do every year, and analyze each piece of clothing I have and contemplate if it’s worth keeping or should go in the sell or donation pile. Honestly, as much as I love the end feeling of it all, the process of it takes me F.O.R.E.V.E.R. because I go through every POSSIBLE scenario about when I maybe, could possibly, but know I won’t ever, wear this again. As I look at each item, I think to myself “ya know Elise, you haven’t worn this in two years and it doesn’t fit right anymore, but maybe one day you’ll have to go to a gardening class with a friend and it’ll be perfect” and that’s all the validation I need to justify putting that black velvet hanger back on the rack.

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How To Love Yourself 101

Valentine’s Day is a day that really emphasizes
L O V E.

This year on Valentine’s Day I found myself feeling so grateful for all the people I love so much! My fiancé, my friends, my family… my heart was filled to the brim with love for other people. But then I stopped to check in with myself about self-love. For me, an empath, it is so easy to pour myself into other people and just hand out love like it’s a tequila shot on a bachelorette party! Don’t get me wrong, loving other people is AMAZING and is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and a solid support system. BUT don’t get so caught up in loving and supporting other people that you forget about yourself. A lot goes into loving yourself and just like you have to put in effort with your other relationships, you GOTTA do the same with yourself, sister!

Self-love is a practice that you MUST be committed to. It’s something you should look forward to, like the free bean dip at Gloria’s!!! Just like all of your other relationships and friendships, your relationship with yourself must be tended to, nurtured, and prioritized.

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WellnessElise DeanComment